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Fan Rating: ( 2 of 5 ) - Film Review: ( 3 of 14 )
Posted by: DarkKnightJRK
[ | ip72-208-21-144.ph.ph.cox.net ]
Posted on: 04/22/07 - 3:28:51 AM - EDT
Rating of: 2 of a possible 5

It's obvious you have a really good idea with this film, but the execution feels off just about all across the board.

The main problem are the script and actors. The written diologue feels really wooden and fake, and if feels even more so with the flat delivery from the actors themselves.

Also, there's Batman. Maybe it's just me, or it really feels like you've padded up your Batman to practically rediculious levels, and not even with a muscle suit, it looks like you tied up some pillows around your Batman's arms. That kinda distracted me from the film.

Also there was how you focused only on Batman and not on the two crooks. Sure, we could hear him, but...do we seriously need to see him looking around for the whole short? I think it would be better if you focused more on the wannabe crooks talking, with cuts of Batman jumping around, following them.

Finally, the end is...really cheesy. I mean, with the other crook saying "Yeah you're right, screw this" or whatever, it just screams "After-School Special." Perhaps you could have the two starting to break in, and when they start talking about Batman, they see enough shadowy places to get scared and run away? That way it would feel a whole lot more real, I think at least.

Don't think I'm completely crushing your work, you obviously get the character and you have a good idea, but with a lot more revising and some polishing, this could have been a whole lot better.

Keep working at it, good sir.

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